For any of you who know me at all, you will know exactly what this means.
If you don't know me at all, I will let you in on a not-so-secret secret.
For a very VERY long time I have been OBSESSED with Harry Potter. And therefore, saying that Pixar is the New Harry Potter means that I am now OBSESSED with Pixar. I came to this realization yesterday when I bought the Wall-E poster off of a website for $26.03. And I don't care. Because I WANT IT.
This does not at all mean that I don't still LOOOOOVE Harry. Because I do. I mean, there's still 2 movies (technically 3 because they're RUINING Deathly Hallows by splitting it into TWO PARTS!! What are they THINKING?!?!) left and then the theme park in 2010 or whatever. But Pixar is my future - it is where I will be working one day. I might as well have a passion for it now.
Anyway, gotta get ready for school.
Toodles, yo.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, I recently received an email from someone regarding a tattoo design I made for an assignment last semester (the post from December 3/07 can be found HERE). The person emailed me to ask if she could use the design as an ACTUAL tattoo! Cool, no? Anyway, I told her absolutely yes because with my phobia of needles there's no way EVER that I will get a tattoo willingly. So yeah, just wanted to share that with you.