I realized that I haven't REALLY updated this in a while other than that picture I posted of The Dark Knight opening weekend (it finally calmed down last weekend, but Mama Mia continues to sell-out like every weekend for the dinner-time rush).
So, the reason I haven't updated in a while is due to several reasons which essentially boil down to the fact that not much has been going on. In fact, I'm kind of bored. And by "kind of" I mean very.
Though today (yesterday, actually, since it's 1 A.M.) was an exception because I went for sushi with Jen and Laura (!!!!) and then played Scrabble at Jen's house before going to the pub for drinks (the photo in this post was taken at the pub. I was illustrating the philosophy of putting stuff on your head. I wasn't really that drunk). I had so much fun.The rest of the day prior to the sushi I was drawing. I had kind of fallen out of the habit of drawing every day and thus when I went to draw a picture the other day, any talent and/or skill I may have had left me completely. I realized that if I actually intend to be good I need to draw every day and make it part of my morning routine. Much the same way that making coffee and checking my email, Facebook messages and YouTube account have become routine for me.
Speaking of YouTube, I am so addicted to it. I've been watching Vlogbrothers a lot and I am such a fan of them. They're just so super-nerdy and awesome that it hurts a little bit. They're very interesting, humorous, creative people and as we all know, that's my favorite kind of people.
(please watch Vlogbrothers if you want to understand that outburst)
Anyway, latesssss!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
what's goin' on?
Friday, July 18, 2008
dark knight madness
This was the crowd for the 10:15pm show of "Dark Knight" tonight. It was pretty insane. I can't believe that we encountered this many people to sell them tickets. The mind just boggles. And what's worse, it that the line went OUT the door, out the camera's view. Crazy stuff. Hope it was worth it for these people. I haven't seen it yet, but I heard it was phenomenal. Of course this was said for the "Batman Begins" and I couldn't stand that one. Then AGAIN, I also hate Christian Bale and Katie Holmes (neither of whom can act his or her way out of a paper bag). The only attraction for "Dark Knight" is Heath Ledger and Gary Oldman (the latter of whom was the only attraction to the "Batman Begins" and he wasn't in it NEARLY enough).
memory sketch
Leaving the city to go to Centre Island, I saw this girl on the boat and decided that she would be my mark for a memory sketch. I've included the blue sketch layer in this drawing so you can see how I rough stuff out.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
so why'd you add me?
A song in which I sing about why YouTube is better than Facebook. Because I'm a huge nerd. And that's just how I roll. You can find the lyrics in the Yammers below because I didn't feel like making it part of the actual post because it's long and that was the only way I could think of.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
what a skeeze
Oh yeah, I haven't posted my review about WALL•E yet. I should get on that. But basically my feelings on it are along the lines of "HOLY CRAP IT'S AWESOME WHY ARE YOU STILL READING THIS GO WATCH WALL•E RIGHT NOW GO!"