i am constantly under the impression that more people should be watching CBS's How I Met Your Mother, which quite simply is the best sitcom on television that has a laugh track.
Not only does Bob effing Saget provide the voice over for the main character Ted, but Neil Patrick Harris is one of the principal characters on the show. Also, this show has great potential to provide popular culture with sweet catch phrases that trumps the likes of "YOU'RE FIRED!" and "That's hot!"
I was upset by the fact that not many people I know have been watching it, so I recruited my sister into watching it, who in turn recruited her boyfriend into watching it. And recently, some of my friends have started watching it too. So at least I don't feel so lonely anymore when I say things like "LEGENDARY" or "Haaaave you met Ted?"
My favorite episode, by far, has been the Slap Bet episode in which Barney and Marshall make a bet and the wager is that the winner gets to slap the loser as hard as they possibly can.
As I said, this show has great potential to have an effect on popular culture.
I wouldn't go as far to call this show a "cult hit", but I don't know many people who watch this show despite the fact that it's currently in it's fourth season of being on the air.
Another really cool thing that show does is it draws you into the world of the show by making things that they mention actually exist. Such as the following websites that are mentioned in a couple of the episodes:
If you haven't watched it, you probably should. That is, if you're a fan of good television and good comedy. It's awesome, legendary and you don't even have to suit up to go and watch it.
Also see the fan-blog:
My friend Amanda reminded me of another thing that makes the show so incredible. They brought back the HIGH FIVE. And not just your general high five. The specialty high fives - my favorite among them being the Freeze Frame Five. How can you go wrong with a show where the characters are giving each other high fives all the time? Answer: You can't.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
absolutely LEGENDARY
Friday, September 26, 2008
three reasons why you should watch NBC's The Office (if you aren't already)
If you're not watching the new season of NBC's The Office, why the heck not? And don't say it's because it's on at the same time as Grey's Anatomy on ABC. I mean, sure, they may have McDreamy but do they have John Krasinski -- the best looking and funniest normal guy on television? I don't think so.
So if you're wishy washy about wanting to watch The Office, here's three reasons why you should run to your local video store and rent the first three seasons of the most awesome show on television.
1. Michael Scott
I honestly can't think of a more awkward, funny character on television. Sometimes he's just so awkward that it's painful to watch. But Michael Scott is just so genuinely a goofball even though he screws up and tries to hard that it's just hard to dislike this character. You can tell that he really likes his staff and he just wants to be friends with these people, even if they don't want to be friends with him.
Steve Carell is such a talented actor and comedian that he very successfully pulls off this goofy character. You have to give him massive props for staying in character so well and not cracking up from half the lines that Michael has (though if you watch the blooper reel on the DVD for season 4, you'll see that he does crack up a lot. But you can't really help it sometimes). Steve just has this irresistable charm that he brings to the screen and to his character that it would honestly be a shame if you missed his performance.
2. Pam and Jim
The most talked about aspect of the show is the "will-they-won't-they" storyline between Pam and Jim. And honestly, it was this storyline about how they like each other but can't do anything about it that got me hooked on the show.
Add that to the fact that both actors are very good looking and John Krasinski and Jenna Fisher just make such an adorable pair on screen that it's very hard to look away.
John does a fabulous job playing the supposed slacker who constantly plays pranks on his office-mate, Dwight (stapler suspended in jell-o, anyone?) and finds the things his boss does to be both humous and exasperating.
Jenna is fantastic playing the office receptionist who is constantly looked down upon by her boss Michael, who doesn't really believe that she's a member of the office team so much as a good looking personal assistant at times.
The chemistry that John and Jenna have on the screen is explosive and if the characters were real people, I would love to be friends with them. Hell, I'd love to be friends with the real people who portray them anyway because both the characters and the actors just seem to be such smart, cool people.
Rainn Wilson is amazing. I can't even begin to tell you how amazing Dwight is because ... words can't even describe.
(*** And this is where I got tired and just wanted to finish writing this so that I could go have a nap. I'll edit this part later ***)
Actually, yes, they can. And there's four of them: Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.
And his relationship with Angela is the weirdest thing ever. Talk about strange couples.
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Scientist - Coldplay - Covered by Zach and Megan
Truly awesome and amazing cover of The Scientist by Coldplay. And I know one of these people!
More people should watch this.
Monday, September 8, 2008
shh...you'll scare it away
I'm doing a quick post while my internet is still working. Because it's been a betch lately and does this connect-for-ten-minutes-then-disconnect-like-an-annoying-bugger-for-several-hours-on-end thing.
So I'm sorry for the shortness of this entry.
Or, you're welcome for the shortness, maybe, if you've been annoyed by my recent long ones.
I just wanted to show you the gorgey picture of Brad Pitt Tina and I took at TIFF when we were there this weekend.
Yeah. We saw him IRL.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
part 1: the sisterhood of awesome; part 2: tina and laura do TIFF
First things first:
The first week of Sisterhood of Awesome is almost complete with Grace doing her video tomorrow. I can't wait to watch it, but I just hope that she gets it up early-ish because I'm going downtown tomorrow (more on that later).
It's been an awesome week meeting the girls and it's so exciting that I'm going to get to know these awesome people and have friends in different parts of the continent and on a different continent.
I've posted a link to the channel as well as all the videos that have been uploaded so far.
Monday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo1SFDkQpr8
Tuesday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6Ivxs6XM2E
Wednesday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp8hsQxPn3s
Thursday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaeDTknonrM
Friday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DE0uMy7TC3I
Next topic.
Tina and Laura do TIFF.
For those of you who don't know, TIFF is the Toronto International Film Festival and it's pretty much the most exciting celebrity event to happen in Toronto all year.
Actually, I'm pretty sure it's just The Most Exciting Event To Happen In Toronto All Year.
We're going to watch Burn After Reading, that new film with George Clooney and (OMG!) Brad Pitt.
We're staying in a hotel over night tomorrow so that we can celebrity hunt at night and be downtown for our festival screening on Saturday.
We've come up with an itinerary that goes something like this:
- Check into hotel
- Go to Eaton Center for shopping, go to dinner
- Go back to hotel to freshen up (tentative)
- Go celeb hunt at Secret Life of Bees screening (tentative)
- Celeb hunt at Burn After Reading Gala Screening (MUST)
- Possible resuscitation of Tina
- Free game - STALK IT UP!
We've also mapped it all out on Google Maps:
View Larger Map
(if you click the link that says "View Larger Map", above, you can see all the destination pins we've set down)
I'll post pictures of TIFF later. But right now, I need for you to go watch Sisterhood of Awesome immediately.