In the corner of my Children's Literature exam paper, I decided to write a haiku about one of the novels we read in that class called "Bridge to Terabithia". You've probably heard of it. If you plan on reading it, however, DO NOT READ THIS NEXT PART BECAUSE IT WILL SPOIL THE ENDING.
It went something like this:
An imaginary place
But the girl snuffs it
This is the email I received from my Children's Lit professor today. I guess he saw it when he was marking it (as I had planned):
Hi Laura,
Thanks for the haiku. Especially "snuffs it." Laughed out loud. Nice to have you in my class again.
Glad he liked it. And glad he laughed out loud. Hopefully it put him in a good mood after reading all those boring essays about the same topic. And, you know, made him inclined to give me a good mark *grins*.
That class was the best.
OK. Off to do some motion graphics stuff.