Saturday, September 29, 2007

Uhhhh...hi....can I speak to...

For my "do something different" experiment thingee, I decided to do two things: minimize my internet usage and answer the phone differently.
The internet thing was hard. I didn't realize how addicted to Facebook, email and MSN I was until I went to avoid it for at least one day. The only thing I checked was my Seneca mail and Blackboard. Aaaaaand then I gave in and checked my Facebook messages. I know, I know! I'm WEAK.
Which is why I started doing the phone thing. Now THAT was fun. I highly suggest that everyone try this one out because it is tres amusant. Instead of saying the standard "Hello?" when answering the phone I would answer with something different like, "hey", "hi there", "bonjour", "greetings", "salutations", and once I threw in an Uncle Jesse-esque "talk to me!"
The reactions of other people on the end of the line when I answered the phone was quite humourous:
(Ring ring)
Me: Bonjour!
Other person:, uh, your mother there?

I also had a "Ummm...I think that I, uh, have the wrong number" from one of my friends, to which I replied, in a very poor French accent, "Oh, Ok. Goodbye." And then waited for them to call back. times, messing with people.

Random sketches I did while I was avoiding the internet:

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