Monday, November 19, 2007

A Little PSA...

I was just using Blackle a few minutes ago and I just thought of something that I thought all Mac users (because I know there are a few people who actually read this thing that ARE Mac users like me) should be aware of.

OK, if you don't know what is all about, here's the gist of it: it's a search engine with a black interface instead of a white one. The theory is that white uses up more energy than black and thus saves more power. If you're all for saving power and you own a Mac (I don't know if PCs are capable of this but I wouldn't doubt it if they can't because they are so much less cool than Macs. Yeah. I said it. So what?) then you can turn your screen on to "negative mode" which makes your screen look like a film negative and all dark and shtuff. Now, this is crap for watching videos and pictures and stuff but if you're just on Google or Facebook or MS Word or something, just press Command (the Apple key) + Option + Control + 8 and voila! Negative screen.

Sit in the dark and turn it on and off a few times. You'll be amazed at how much LESS light it's using.

OK. That's my PSA. Now on to our regular programming.


Anonymous said...
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Aurora said...

M'kay, that is SO freaking awesome!!!! O_O I'm using it... right now...

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