Monday, August 25, 2008

good news for you and some bad news for me

First, the bad news for me: my town just got a little bit crappier than it already was.

"How is that even possible?!" I hear you ask in astonishment.

Very simple. A vast majority of the awesome is leaving to live at university this year. This includes my friend Jenny and her BF Pat, Brandy, Jason and Nick (though, granted, they're not that far and I'll still see them since my school is on the same campus) as well as some of my friends from work including Evelyn, Chloe, Peter, Jen, Andreas, Jared and Gonzalo. And some others that I will probably remember when I'm done typing this and will have to mention in an edit.

The fact that they're all away from home, living on their own makes me very sad and lonely (especially because Joe - my only friend to still be living in my town this school year - is still out of the country and won't be back until next month) and also insanely jealous.

I'm ready to move out of this house, I just can't really afford to right now. I'd need to have a roommate and all the potentials are currently living in residence (BLAST YOU ALL).

Eff. I can feel the crushing weight of this crap hole bearing down on me as I type this.

So on to the GOOD NEWS (for you. And me, actually. HURRAY!)

The good news, is that your week just got a LITTLE more awesome.

"How so, Laura?" I hear you ask in wonder.

Simple: I'm taking part in a YouTube vlog project with 4 other people I met on


I just gave you something to do this year while you're supposed to be doing homework. You're welcome.

It's kind of like FiveAwesomeGirls and FiveAwesomeGuys - only not because we're called SisterhoodOfAwesome. Though, the concept is the same - 5 people communicating via video blog, and getting to know each other that way.

That's the great thing about this project - I didn't know these girls at all until Kris asked around for people interested in doing a vlog project with her in the forum on the ning.

It's going to be EPIC!

I've posted the teaser trailer video I made below so you have more info, as well as today's vlog that I made.


You're welcome,

- Laura

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The Nerdy Ninja Blog by Laura Nicole is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada License.