Wednesday, December 17, 2008

project for awesome 2008

Here's what the official website has to say about the Project for Awesome:

Every year, YouTube's Community takes over YouTube for a day...and instead of being stupid or funny or informative...we promote charities. Just one day a year...we'll get back to being silly tomorrow.

The Project for Awesome really is like a youtube-wide party. People are all over the place, commenting on videos, uploading, watching, hanging out, helping out and generally being mischievous. I honestly can’t wait, and I hope you’ll be a part of it with us.

But seriously. It's such a fun YouTube event that everyone can get behind since it's all about supporting your favorite charity.

I didn't get to participate last year because I wasn't a NerdFighter back then, but I get to participate this year. I made a video in support of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation and made a donation of $55 dollars to my province's chapter.

You can watch my video where I've embedded it below.

Also check out the following link to a playlist of videos that we're trying to support first so that they get onto the Most Viewed and Most Discussed lists:

So if you see any videos with the following screen shot today:
Make sure that you RATE, FAVORITE and COMMENT the HECK out of it so you can help take over YouTube for today and tomorrow.

DFTBA, NerdFighters! And have a happy P4A day!!!!

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The Nerdy Ninja Blog by Laura Nicole is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada License.