Friday, March 13, 2009

strangely creative things

Going to a school where there's a really good arts program means that you often run into a lot of weirdly creative things while on campus. Here are two that I ran into yesterday.

1) This thing, in one of the University buildings, was made out of toilet paper, and were hanging in the hallway. It was weird, and people had ripped part of it down (thanks, jerks) because when I had passed it earlier, it wasn't drooping quite as much, but it still looks kind of cool. I don't know why it was there.
2) This is weird and creepy and could have been done by someone at my college or the university where my college is because it was in the one building that both schools share. I'd like to think this was the doing of my school since it was in the building where the animation school is located. Anyway, this was in a stairwell, and I thought it was strangely creative.

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