Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Watch Iron Giant

if you don't, I will punt you from here to the end of the earth. It is pretty much one of the BEST animated movies I have seen ever.

The "Dinner Grace" sequence from Iron Giant. One of the funniest bits in the movie.

I love Brad Bird. A lot. He is a genius.

Also, I wish that I was this guy: http://peterhirschberg.blogspot.com/2007/07/pixar-and-me.html

Monday, March 24, 2008

Pixar is the New Harry Potter

For any of you who know me at all, you will know exactly what this means.

If you don't know me at all, I will let you in on a not-so-secret secret.

For a very VERY long time I have been OBSESSED with Harry Potter. And therefore, saying that Pixar is the New Harry Potter means that I am now OBSESSED with Pixar. I came to this realization yesterday when I bought the Wall-E poster off of a website for $26.03. And I don't care. Because I WANT IT.
This does not at all mean that I don't still LOOOOOVE Harry. Because I do. I mean, there's still 2 movies (technically 3 because they're RUINING Deathly Hallows by splitting it into TWO PARTS!! What are they THINKING?!?!) left and then the theme park in 2010 or whatever. But Pixar is my future - it is where I will be working one day. I might as well have a passion for it now.

Anyway, gotta get ready for school.

Toodles, yo.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, I recently received an email from someone regarding a tattoo design I made for an assignment last semester (the post from December 3/07 can be found HERE). The person emailed me to ask if she could use the design as an ACTUAL tattoo! Cool, no? Anyway, I told her absolutely yes because with my phobia of needles there's no way EVER that I will get a tattoo willingly. So yeah, just wanted to share that with you.


Fresh Sketches! Gettem' while they're hot!"Hai! Ai'm Laura! Ai'm a facebuk stalka and gen'ral creepa!"

Heavier stance.
Me, being a cafeteria creeper, drawing people.

Again, being a cafeteria creeper.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tablet Drawings

Stole Amanda's tablet.
This is what I drew without the drivers that measure pressure sensitivity, et cetera.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Grandpa Robot

Drew this at work yesterday and painted it in photoshop today. I love Grandpa Robot.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Poster Thingee

So I have to do this poster thingee for Typography, and this is one of the versions of the poster that I am working on. It's really really shitty, right?
Completely aware of that fact, thanks.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Banner Thing Wot I Made

Haven't posted in a while, mates. Or that's how it feels, anyway.
So this is a banner thing for Caffeinated Creativism (my website) that I made. Though I think I want to go more with white and lighter images for the final thing. As much as I like the whole blackle idea, I really like the way that white looks better. I tried black and green for my original design but it just ends up looking really ... crappy.
I think maybe some white, greens and brownish colors.
Anyway, did this during photography. Love that class.

You can also see this banner in action at the bottom of the blog because I had to replace the old one with something else.

Creative Commons License
The Nerdy Ninja Blog by Laura Nicole is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada License.