Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Here's a link to a simple flash navigation that I made this morning while I was waiting for the bus. I was going to take the Viva instead of the Go because the first Go leaving York is at 10:05. Even if I took the Viva at 8:30 I would get to Aurora by 11:20 which is when the 10:05 bus gets to Aurora.

And that is why the Viva sucks. It takes a zillion times longer on the Viva than on the Go. I love the Go.

Anyway, here you go:

Flash Page Wot I Made

Typography Assignment

So here's my assignment for Typography that's due in class tomorrow. I think they're OK. Nothing really all that special but oh well. This is what you come up with at 7:30 in the morning as you sit in an empty classroom in the TEL building on your day off from school. But you had to be here despite the fact that you don't have class because you needed to use Illustrator - that of which you still don't have at home. Otherwise you'd be AT home right now, still sleeping.

I wonder if I can catch an early enough bus home to make it there in time for Ellen.

At least I didn't waste a GO ride validation making my way here this morning because my Dad drove me in.


Monday, January 28, 2008

Things I did in Web Design today...

This is what I did in Web Design class today. Well, part of it anyway. This was at the beginning when I was a little ... um ... bored. Then after I made a kinda-pretty looking CSS website thingee. The beginnings of one, at any rate.
Anyway, these are a few mock-ups of some shirt designs I'm working on for the Nerdy Ninja Network (yet to be started...I'll talk about that at a later date).

Jim (as Dwight): Fact. Bears eat beets.
Dwight: *Scoffs*
Jim (as Dwight): Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.
Dwight: Bears do not - what are you DOING? WHAT'S GOING ON?!

Me: Best sequence from The Office EVER.

Buster was so good at being neither seen nor heard that he stayed on for an extra semester and no one noticed.
You can always tell a Milford Man.

More Flash Crapola

Some of the stuff I did for OMG Quiz 1 in Flash class (click image to begin animation):


"Ball Sneak"

Friday, January 25, 2008

Textures! Huzzah!

Today in Digital Imaging class (aka Photoshop class) Brendan taught us how to make custom brushes and textures. Here are a few of the textures that he showed us how to make:

Rock (though this example KIND OF looks like crumpled paper, but never mind)

Personally, I really like his class because he's a no-nonsense type of teacher and teaches us how to do things step by step.

If anyone wants notes or a "tutorial" type thing on how to make any of these textures or how to make a custom brush, let me know because I took detailed notes and don't mind making a post dedicated to a tutorial.



Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The BEST T.M.Y.K public service announcement NBC has EVER done.

Animating text is so tedious...

Click the big blank white spot to start the animated gif.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Such a nerd am I

I am seriously suuuuuch a nerd.
These are the photos I did for my "self-portrait" assignment for photography.
I remind myself of Kenneth the Page a la 30 Rock and Steve Carrell on the DVD cover of The 40 Year-Old Virgin.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

If you Google my name, I'm on pages 1 through 9 for something or other. Mostly people ripping off my videos and putting them on other sites. Some are from track databases and the honour roll database for my high school.

But mostly film!


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Lookit What I Learn-ed

This is what I have learned in "Web Design" class

  • How to do HTML
  • I've also learned how to make an unordered list
  • I know how to use a font tag but I refuse to because it makes me feel dirty.

I've also learned how to make forms ... but they don't do anything ... yet.

Do you like me? Choose "yes" or "no"



I also know how to make a text field:

Yay for Laura!

Sunday, January 6, 2008


Listening to:

Me, as ninja. I've GOT to put this into Illustrator. Also, I should change the sword to something nerdy. Like a light saber or something. Or just a gift wrap roll. You know, those giant paper towel rolls that Christmas gift wrap comes on? Yeah, one of those. ** Edit: I just realized that I dated this sketch 2007. My b. It was definitely drawn in 2008. **
I want to put these ones (below) into Illustrator (on a side note: man, I really need to upgrade my computer so I can buy Illustrator and don't have to wait to be at school to do these things...):
I like the "Redefine Cool" guy the best.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Sittin' here. Watchin' The Office.


Also, please note that I've finally figured out how to change the header image.

Any sort of coding is not my thing. Generally. Though I really super want to learn how to code shtuff.

Also trying to come up with ideas for a webisode thing I want to start. I've been a little bit inspired by watching 30 Rock. They have this little short thing called "We Did it" which is completely pointless but suuuuper funny. There was also a short called "An Evening with Kenneth" which is Kenneth the page interviewing characters on the show. It's awesome and fun.

PS: Watch the episode from the first season of 30 Rock called "Fireworks" with Will Arnett guest starring. Hilarious!

** Edit: Found it online: REMOVED IN SUPPORT OF THE WGA **

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I'm getting better at this...

I got this photo from
Please go to that link to see more of her awesome photography.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


This was too much fun to pass up:
The first article title on the page is the name of your band.

The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.

The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4.Use your graphics program of choice to throw them together, and post the result as a comment in this post. Also, pass it along in your own journal because it's more amusing that way.

My result was this:
I actually kind of like it. But I wish it was funnier.

Try it out, kiddies. Fun times.

I sound like Ariel, post voice being stolen-ness

I've lost my voice. You might as well call me Ariel. Although I think Ariel could talk more than I can right now.

I worked yesterday and my voice just got steadily worse with each passing guest.

By the by: never go to a movie theatre on New Year's Eve. Otherwise I may have to hurt you for being someone that I hate.

The person I was working with yesterday told me I sounded like a dry hooker. Thanks, Joel.

I'm going to do an audio blog for the rest of this post. But later. Just for fun so you can hear what I sound like because I'm pretty sure it sounds funny.

Okie dokie.

*Edit: Never mind. I never got around to doing an audio blog. Sorry. Maybe later.

Creative Commons License
The Nerdy Ninja Blog by Laura Nicole is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada License.