Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Google Meme

Insert your name where mine is and Google the phrase (with the quotation marks) to see what Google comes up with (ie: "[Your Name] needs")

"Laura needs"
Laura needs £3000 more for new legs.
Those are some EXPENSIVE legs.

"Laura looks like"
Laura looks like she’s about to breastfeed those pups.
I never have and never will breastfeed puppies.

"Laura says"
What Laura Says are utterly infectious, full of quirky vocals
Apparently "Laura Says" is a band.

"Laura wants"
Laura wants to be adored and worshipped like the royalty she feels she is
This is true.

"Laura does"
Laura does Celine Dion.

"Laura hates"
Laura hates Donovan as a person
I do. I really do. Not. Know. A Donovan.

"Laura asks"
Laura asks for privacy while son is probed over lurid MySpace page.
First: I don't have a son. Second: He doesn't have a lurid MySpace page. Third: Anymore.

"Laura likes "
Laura likes to be admired and she has a tendency to force admiration by fishing for compliments.
This is also true.

"Laura eats "
Laura eats Matt.
I normally don't eat meat. Unless it's human flesh. It's delicious.

"Laura wears "
Laura wears a sassy and soft style here.

"Laura was arrested for"
Laura was arrested for murder, but acquitted, and eventually gave birth...
Well, thank God Laura was acquitted. I knew she didn't really do it.

"Laura loves"
Laura Loves It When I Get This Close on Flickr ...
NO! I don't! BACK OFF!

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The Nerdy Ninja Blog by Laura Nicole is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada License.