Monday, December 17, 2007

OH the weather outside is frightful...

...but apparently it wasn't frightful enough yesterday for people because people STILL came to the movie theatre to see stuff. Like, what is WRONG with them? You had to be a crazy person to go driving about yesterday. These photos weren't taken yesterday when it was snowing (obviously because a) I would have been at work and b) there would have been clouds in the sky instead of blueness and sunshine and c) you'd be able to see little tufts of white falling from the sky in a methodical and seemingly never-ceasing fashion) but this morning at 11:30am. These are the views outside my front window.

Ew. Cloud poop.

How I hate the winter.

But on the bright side, we'll have snow for Christmas this year.


But after that, the snow can all go away and palm trees and sand can replace it for the rest of the year.

Imagine if Aurora had palm trees? And sand? It might not suck as much as it does.

Anyway, just really bored. Getting ready for casino fun at the Falls for tomorrow. WOOT! And listening to crappy 80's music:
Safety Dance - Twango

Yes! Men in Hats! Effing EH!



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