Monday, August 11, 2008

i haven't posted art in a while...

...or you know - TEXT. I've just been posting Vlogs that I've done. That's got to be SUPER boring for the people who might have found this site via my YouTube channel (sorry about that. Hope the old stuff entertained you).

The reason I haven't posted art in a while, is because I haven't done much. Well, that's a bit of a lie. I've done stuff, I just haven't SCANNED it or done it digitally. I've been doing everything on paper lately.

And I've also found that my talent has taken a turn for the worse. Case and point, this drawing, which is horrible:It's kind of a picture of me. Kind of not. Actually I think the file name of the drawing is actually "Me - ISH.jpg".

But I have been up to other stuff. Like designing something for a t-shirt like these:



As you can tell from other posts, I've started a Vlog. I really enjoy it. I constantly get ideas for stuff I want to Vlog about but I've settled on 1-2 videos per week and I if I made a video every time I got an idea, it would be more like 1-2 per day.

Maybe I should take the ideas I decide not to do a video about and make it into a blog post instead so that a) the idea doesn't get wasted; b) if gives me something to talk about on here and; c) gives anyone who actually reads this something to, you know, READ. And maybe I won't feel bad for wasting good ideas/putting good ideas off all the time.
There's not much else for me to talk about here. This post is more out of guilt for lack attention than anything else.

That's all.


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