Sunday, October 14, 2007

Trapezoid-Head Cat

So, I'm sitting here, trying to think up ideas for this toy design project I have to do for DMA 179 and my mind is totally blank. Which is weird because it's night and that's usually when I do some of my better work. I flip through some of my older sketchbooks and I come across this picture I drew for this little painting of a cat with a trapezoid head I did for my uncle when - KABLAM! - I get a really cool idea for a kid's toy. But the way the trapezoid head cat came around is actually really funny.

My uncle was having a dream with this black cat with a trapezoid head following him around. Suddenly, it jumps on his shoulder! He tries to shake it off by throwing his body around. Instead, he manages to throw himself out of bed and across the room to the wall with the window. Of course, this woke him up and he had to tell everyone this story the next time we saw him, so for Christmas I painted him a picture of a cat with a trapezoid head.

So that design inspired me to make a line of Geo-Animals, including the cat with the trapezoid head - that you can interchange between the different animals to create your very own Freak Animal Farm.

When I'm closer to my scanner I'll scan in the picture of the trapezoid cat.

But for now, need to go work on a script. So if you'll excuse me, I must be off.

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